Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

Ce forum s'est donné pour mission de mettre en contact les milliers de fans de cette légende de la musique encore trop peu connue du public francophone.

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First album you ever bought

broken angel
8 participants

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1First album you ever bought Empty First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 3:42 pm

broken angel

broken angel

I remember the first LP I bought was the Rolling Stones "Emotional Rescue". It was in 1980. Ahhhhhhhh, the childhood days.
What about you? What is the first Lp you bought or offered to you?


2First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 4:12 pm



Oh, Oh .... for me it was Bernard Lavilliers "15ème Round" ! in 1977 !
ma mamia !!!!!!!!!!!!!


3First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 4:47 pm



"meet the Beatles" de et à l'époque , qui dit vieux ? (jeu de mot)


4First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 4:57 pm


Facile Serge.
Moi j'avais un frangin branché Jerry Lee, Chuck, Eddy Cochran, Elvis, Stones, Beatles, Bach, Palestrina..... ce qui m'évitait d'acheter.

Mon tout premier perso c'est "Bare Wires" de Mayall en 68, puis tous les autres.

Dernière édition par le Mer 30 Mai 2007, 6:21 pm, édité 1 fois

5First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 5:59 pm



C'était Hubert-Felix Thieffain, en 1978. Je l'aimais grave.

6First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 6:26 pm



I remember, it was way back in 1988. I went to the records store and hesitated between Eric Clapton's "Crossroads" and Dire Straits' "Communiqué". The undecided person that I still am had to buy them both.


7First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 6:50 pm

Olivier Yeti

Olivier Yeti

"Love songs" une compil d'Elton John.
Je n'ai pourtant jamais ete un immense fan, mais Papa venait d'acheter une chaine HI FI avec lecteur de CD ("tu as vu y a un collant jaune marqué classe 1 derriere ca doit etre du bon matos" dialogue avec mon frere).
Je devais avoir 15 ans ou 16.

Mais mes premiers LP c'etait les disques de Papa, Song book de Paul Simon, Sgt Pepper des Beatles, Windows and Walls de Dan Fogelberg, compil 76 des Eagles et un LP de Jorge Ben (Pais tropical).

8First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 6:53 pm

broken angel

broken angel

Correction. C'était toujours en 1980, mais c'était le best of "Creedence Clearwater Revival"

9First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 7:52 pm

broken angel

broken angel

Way back in 1988????@Lilly. Right, it's prehistoric period.

10First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 8:11 pm




Après une série de 45 tours de Slade qui chantaient le Prince avant Prince (Cuz I luv U, par exemple), les premiers LP furent Time Fades Away de NEil Young, House of the Holy de Led Zep et Brain Salad Surgery d'ELP, achetés le même jour il me semble. c'est sans doute pourquoi 1973 reste pour moi un millésime unique

En concert à la Pomme d'Eve en 2007 / The
finest in songwriting in the City of Light:

5 juin : AJ Roach Trio & Anaïs Mitchell * 12 juillet : Eric Andersen avec Stan Noubard-Pacha * 4 septembre : Richard Shindell & Joseph Parsons * 17 octobre : Geoff Muldaur * 8 novembre : Peter Mulvey & Jolynn Daniel * 6 décembre : Terry Lee Hale * 13 & 15 décembre : Plainsong (Iain Matthews & Andy Roberts)
That's all Folks (et c'est déjà pas mal!)

11First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 8:52 pm



My first album was "Beatles For Sale", there was also a single by Donovan "Catch the Wind" and the Stones "The last time" as well as "Reach out, i'll be there" by the Four Tops and a LP by Vanilla Fudge. I also remember falling in love with a french song even if i didn't understand a word, it was Michel Polnareff and the song was...hmmm, it sounded like..wait.. i remember it contained the words "... qui fait non" no?....but to my defense i must say it was almost 100 years ago!


12First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 9:17 pm



C'est une poupée qui fait non, non, non,noon. Toute la journée, elle fait non, non, non, nooon..........

13First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 9:54 pm



That's exactly the one!!!


14First album you ever bought Empty Re: First album you ever bought Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:11 pm


I have to confess... in '70, I went to Spain with some friends and all my hair and youth and big sun glasses.
As I sang this stupid song on the beach, spanish girls thought I WAS Michel Polnareff (I couldn't deny, I didn't speak spanish)...
Geeeee... stupid, but very efficient song !!!!....

The chords were : E - A - D - A - E, perfect for a guitar beginner, as well as for a loving beginner...

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