Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

Ce forum s'est donné pour mission de mettre en contact les milliers de fans de cette légende de la musique encore trop peu connue du public francophone.

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c'est le tour de STEPHANE !

4 participants

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1c'est le tour de STEPHANE ! Empty c'est le tour de STEPHANE ! Ven 08 Aoû 2008, 7:27 am



hello Stephane, il paraît que c'est ton anniversaire today ?
alors selon la formule consacrée, joyeux anniversaire !
et deux bise en prime.


2c'est le tour de STEPHANE ! Empty Re: c'est le tour de STEPHANE ! Ven 08 Aoû 2008, 12:18 pm



Salut Stéphane,

ça fait longtemps qu'on n'a pas eu de nouvelles de toi,

à bientôt, en musique j'espère... affûte tes baguettes et tes balais.

Joyeux anniversaire et grosses bises,


3c'est le tour de STEPHANE ! Empty Re: c'est le tour de STEPHANE ! Ven 08 Aoû 2008, 8:05 pm



Bon anniversaire Stephane

4c'est le tour de STEPHANE ! Empty Re: c'est le tour de STEPHANE ! Ven 08 Aoû 2008, 9:59 pm



I remember sitting in front of you at the Cafe Moulin before JT's Concert at the Olympia this April (I must apologize for blocking your view), when someone, might be Marc ?, was singing and playing "You've got a friend"...i noticed that the guy right behind me, was making very silent noises in striking one finger on a piece of paper which was there on the table. Well, that's nothing special you might think and might ask why i think it's worth to mention that someone doing something with a papersheet...thats happening a million times in a day.
But this time the "noises" Stephane did on a paper using his first finger, was the perfect sound of a brushed snare drum not only in perfect time and feel..it was a very tasteful played drum figure as well. So Stephane, i don't know what you're doing with music since we had such a little time to talk, but you MUST be a drummer!

Joyeux anniversaire Stephane !

...sorry for bothering you with this small detail...but there's always those details wandering through my head :-)


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