Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

Ce forum s'est donné pour mission de mettre en contact les milliers de fans de cette légende de la musique encore trop peu connue du public francophone.

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GIRL POWER Carole King's new song

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1GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Empty GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Sam 08 Sep 2007, 4:50 pm



Here is Carole King's new song. You can hear it at her myspace. It is available on I-Tunes.
She's going to sing this song and "God Bless America" in the Women's Singles Tennis Final of the 2007 U.S. Open on Saturday, September 8. It will be broadcast live on CBS in prime time , beginning at 8:00pm Eastern Time.(USA time)

GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Girlpower(1)

The lyrics:

There was a time when it couldn't be done
They wouldn't let us join the fun; we needed someone to get us going
But they, all-knowing, said no way could it be a girl

It was all about not being left out
There was no doubt a girl had to shout a little louder, stand a
little prouder
Just to make a mark in the world

Door was closed, who came through
You know it was a girl
Who made all our dreams come true

On the ground, turn around, what's that sound (Girl Power)
No doubt about it, we kick it out, we're girls (Girl)
Lean, mean, clean, like a dream machine (Girl Power)
Title 9 put us over the line, there's no denying (Girl Power)

We said we're gonna stay, not miss one day till we got to play, hey
We knew we had the stuff, better than good enough
We didn't give up until we had won the game
Heart and soul, we gave it all for the goal, now we got there
You won't see us not there - we didn't stop, didn't drop
Y'better believe the top will never, ever be the same

Who brought us to where we are
You know it was a girl
Who reached up and raised the bar

On the ground, turn around, what's that sound (Girl Power)
No doubt about it, we kick it out, we're girls (Girl)
Lean, mean, clean, like a dream machine (Girl Power)
Title 9 put us over the line, there's no denying (Girl Power)

Reach for a star, no matter how far
Girl, you're just as strong as you think you are
If you're all you got, then you're all you need
Whatever you do, you'll succeed at lightning speed
Girl Power
Girl Power
Girl Power - got to have Girl, got to have Girl Power
Girl Power - got to have Girl, got to have Girl Power

© 1999 Lushmole Music (BMI)

Dernière édition par le Sam 08 Sep 2007, 10:21 pm, édité 1 fois


2GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Empty Re: GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Sam 08 Sep 2007, 5:43 pm



Moi j'adore Carole King et tout ce qu'elle fait.


3GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Empty Re: GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Lun 10 Sep 2007, 6:31 pm



I like that, Inés. I hope you visit my webpgae from time to time.
By the way James Taylor was there with Carole King. They watched the US Open tennis match.Here is the photo:

GIRL POWER Carole King's new song WJT(1)


4GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Empty Re: GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Lun 10 Sep 2007, 6:55 pm



José, J'adore Carole. Donc, j'adore ton site. En fait, je l'ai connu avant le CAJT.


P.S: Le temps n'est pas trés généreux avec ces deux la. C'est pas la meilleure photo des deux No

5GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Empty Re: GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Lun 10 Sep 2007, 7:21 pm



Yeah, it's not a great photo, but I must confess that,for me, Taylor looks older than Carole here, and he isn't. In fact Carole's six years older.


6GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Empty Re: GIRL POWER Carole King's new song Lun 10 Sep 2007, 7:33 pm



C'est vrai. Des deux, c'est la mieux lotie.


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