Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

Ce forum s'est donné pour mission de mettre en contact les milliers de fans de cette légende de la musique encore trop peu connue du public francophone.

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Hardest song to translate

4 participants

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1Hardest song to translate Empty Hardest song to translate Mar 29 Mai 2007, 10:44 pm

broken angel

broken angel

Just curious my sweet Lilly. What is the song of JT that you think is the hardest to translate?

2Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 9:01 am


Sorry to answer at Lilly's place, but there is one song impossible to translate : BSUR


SCTE CJSJS (ça donne un truc en portugais)

3Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 9:43 am



But you just translated it Tom!!!
There isn't any song impossible to translate. Translation is in fact very tricky. The hardest part is to keep the rhythm and poetry initiated by the author.Plus, terminology varies from a language to another. When in English an idea can be defined in a word, the French language requires several words or vice versa. That's the part that kind of bothers me.
Then, when translated some masterpieces lose their poetic subtelties. The example of "Day Tripper" is the most obvious. All the metaphores and ellliptical references vanish.....Uh...Am doing the CC humor? He he he
Yup, Sam dared to translate "Day Tripper". That is my greatest challenge. Plus, since I haven't heard all of JT's repertoire, I may have other challenges.
I got carried away again. Sorry.

Blabberin' Lilly

4Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:04 am



Lilly, that comes close to what you call "CC humor". But if i had to
answer the question what is the hardest song to translate, it would be:
"Chanson Française", see, it's just embarassing!

Tom, where did you get those glasses?, i want them too!


5Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:09 am



I must agree that the CC humor is inimitable. "Chanson Française"? I have to check it out. See? I make a poor JT fan.


6Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:13 am



It's on "Flag":

Chanson Française

J'ai trouvé cette chanson Française

Mise dans un coin

Tout au fond de mon crane

Pas encore exprimée

Et donc je manque des idées Anglaises

Paraître, peut-être, quelque chose

Je n'ai pas pensé

Si je dis que je t'aime

Ce n'est pas tout à fait

La vielle même chose

Car les mots que je dis

Ne viennent pas du meme esprit

Et me voici, baby

Étranger nouveau

J'essaye et j'essaye mais je sais

Que je n'ai pas assez de Française

Mais qu'est ce qu'on peut dire

Il faut finir

Suffisant à dire

Je ne vais jamais écrire

Encore une chanson Française

Au revoir mes ami

Je vous aime beaucoup

see what i mean?


7Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:15 am



Oh my......

8Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:42 am



I think chanson Française is a bad translation of French song.

9Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 11:17 am


First of all, Chanson Française don't need to be translated, but only corrected... it's incomprehensible for a non-english-speaking frog.

@ Lilly : what I meant was that the word game B.S.U.R. S.U.C.S.I.M.I.M. cannot work in any translation.

@ CC : you know... as a VIP, it's my optician who comes to my place to ajust my glasses (we call this practice "le double effet Sarkozy"). So, last time he came, I couldn't resist taking this picture. I'm glad you aggree. Have you noticed how it makes me look smarter ?

10Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 1:16 pm



I apologize in advance for what i'm gonna say has nothing to do with the actual thread.
I have a special tenderness for a song that I find gorgeous: It's "Letter in the mail". I have never read anything about it. I think it's one of JT's best songs ever. Awkay, the old-fashioned mail writer that I am was attracted by the title of the song. The lyrics are heart-felt and the melody so very beautiful.
Vocally, let me say, the song is perfect. I think, James Taylor was at his best. I loved the falling in pitch at the end of each stanza. I don't know but I could picture JT sing just by the changes in the vocal rhythm. I don't think that "Letter in the mail" is just a minor song.
I've said it. Still, it's just my humble opinion. Does it show in what I wrote that I love this song?

Professional blabberer

11Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:13 pm



Tom, you look too smart with this "double effet Sarkozy" glasses. This could be the new cool trend, let's wait and see....and how is the work going? (if you know what i mean).

Lilly, if i could vote for the best JT song ever..."Letter in the mail" would be in first place.

again, just to make clear, i haven't said anything about your new President, right?


12Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:28 pm


No, you didn't say anything at all !!!... you just replyed my post...

The work is in progress, but unfortunately delayed at the end of the current week, for I'm a Cubase beginner... sorry, I do my best.

But I'll try to do better.

13Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 10:49 pm


By the way CC, why are you that scared about saying something about our new president ???

Is it because you have the same feeling than me ? or because you too have noticed that he takes his theories from a german book written in the middle of de XXth. century ???

Relax !!!... it's just a nasty little lap-dog !!!!

(ok, "unser" was also... though, maybe you're right...)

14Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Mer 30 Mai 2007, 11:13 pm



Pfewwww, I thought I was the only one who loved the song.
By the way Tom, not being mean here but have I already told you that we had a very good president, the best ever?


15Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Jeu 31 Mai 2007, 12:49 am


No, you didn't. Why didn't you ???

16Hardest song to translate Empty Re: Hardest song to translate Jeu 31 Mai 2007, 1:06 pm



Well yes. He's great.He's not big height-wise but big as long as personality is concerned. He's honest and true. Unfortunately, he's ill. Very ill, I think. No luck. We had the right one.

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