Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Women singers

7 participants

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1Women singers Empty Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 10:25 am



I notice that you speak only about men singers. Joni Mitchell and Carly Simon are the exception. Why don’t you share with me your favourite woman singer? I LOVE Joni Mitchell.

2Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 10:48 am



One of my favorite female singer is "Shawn Colvin", these days i listen a lot to "Feist" which i think is simply wonderful. Both are full of fresh ideas and both have a tendency to be minimalistic in live concerts, that's what i really adore, because it's a sign of true musicianship.
Lizz Wright is also on my favorites list, but there is one singer from Norvay which i really love, it's "Solveig Slettahjell" (i haven't tried to spell that name:o) she is a Jazz singer extraordinaire, tends to stand outside the regular Jazz szene, she's unsusual in many ways.
Well i could go on forever this way......good thread, Layla!


3Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 11:04 am



Hi Layla !
I love Amy Whinehouse, Jony Mitchell and Shawn Colvin too !
... and Pura Fé of course !


4Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 11:20 am



Good day to you Layla,
Because the Woman is a verb and not a noun…….Because a woman carries in her most of the burdens of mankind….Because I am a woman, I am very critical and pretty demanding as far as female singing performances are concerned.
It all started in a humid summer day, the kind of day people in Mississippi call “Natcha day”. I was listening to the radio and I was “hit” by a song. It was Billie Holiday singing “Strange Fruit”. Yes, it was Meeropol’s words, but it was her voice and her drama. I am not African-American nor have I lived in her bloody era, still she drove me to tears.
The other lady that takes me to her world is the bare-footed Cesaria Evora. I don’t understand a word of Portuguese, however, I understand her very well…….
Other voices haunt my heart so very pleasantly. They are Ella Fitzgerald’s, Lena Horne’s and Sarah Vaughan’s.
Uh…..By the way, you’re a beautiful song, Layla.

Blabberin’ Lilly.

5Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 11:43 am


Exepted the late Janis Joplin who was my first love, my real fav is the great Eva Cassidy.
In the same mood, there's Madeleine Peyroux, who's still alive.

6Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 12:07 pm

broken angel

broken angel

Helene Segara.....na, just joking. I love the Gothic ways of Juliette Greco.

7Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 1:31 pm


By the way, if we look back to our own roots (c'est vrai qu'on a aussi nos vieilles gloires) Sam, recall me the name of the woman who sang "Mellocotton et Boule d'or, deux gosses dans un jardin ...." f...ing alzheimer !!!

And I also have to say : Ricky Lee Johnes, Melanie Zafka, a plenty of fantastic female singers, from Big Mamma Thornton to Oestrogena Orcherstra (pas vrai Fanny ?)...

Women are just too modest !!!!! or maybe too stupid ?????... as they showed it in France, by electing the whorse man ever, instead of a woman, the first time it was possible !!!!...

I know, I made me a lot of friends today, but that's why 4th of July is here !...

Love you all


8Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 2:05 pm

Admin Samuel Légitimus

Admin Samuel Légitimus

Tom, the singer your search is...Colette Magny

For me there a lot of women I worship:

Carly ( we got a special biographical page on our site)
Joan Armatrading
Bonnie Raitt
Valerie Carter
Anita Baker
Chaka Khan

In the young generation:

Meshell Ndegeocello
Rachel Ferrell
Holly Williams
Karryn Allison
Marise Monte
Patti Griffin
Ana Carolina
Jill Scott
Joan Osborn

9Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 3:17 pm



Ha Ha Ha Ha, hilarious Tom,

From your so very politico-misogynous tirade, I kept your “ by electing the WHORSE man ever”. Please, please tell me you did it on purpose.


10Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 5:41 pm



karen Carpenter
bonnie Raitt
Maggie Bell
Aretha Franklin
Janis Joplin
Joni mitchell
Etha James
Diane Dufresne
shawn Colvin
Eva Cassidy
Mama Cass Eliott and her sister Leah Kunkell
Julie Driscoll ( why not....isn't it CC!!!!!)
and of course Billie Holliday


11Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 5:59 pm



serge a écrit:....Julie Driscoll ( why not....isn't it CC!!!!!)....

Definitely Serge, she's great!..and thanks for the rarities :)

Let me add some brasilian voices i really like:

Adriana Calcanhotto
Monica Salmaso
Zelia Duncan
Rosa Passos
and the unforgettable Miucha
and surely the one and only Elis Regina. (her Daughter Maria Rita is doing a great job as well).

My absolute favorite female singer is undoubtedly Monica Salmaso.

...why nobody has mentioned Joan Baez yet?

Dernière édition par le Dim 27 Mai 2007, 6:00 pm, édité 2 fois


12Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 5:59 pm


To Sam : thanks for Colette... what a voice !!!

To Lilly : no, sorry for this time it was a mistake, I meant "worst" and I don't know where this word came from...

13Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 6:01 pm



ah oui oublier Joan Baez faut le faire ! c'est d'une telle évidence (enfin pour moi).


14Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 6:08 pm



Well, willy nilly, you're funny@Tom. But what word game it could have been.


15Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 6:24 pm



Thank you all.
Yes I love Joan Baez too. Lily I like your theatral comments. Your English is perfect.

16Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 6:39 pm



Ah zut oublié Tracy Chapman !


17Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 6:46 pm



Theatrical ? Hmmmmmm, I prefer to take it as a compliment. Generally, my comments are described as boring. He He He.
On, It’s my turn to thank you, Layla. Thanks to your thread, I discovered several female singers. My amazement goes to Pura Fé and and Monica Salmaso. I’m in awe!!!!

P.S: Hey Layla, come closer….closer….I am a teacher of English and yet, I learnt a lot in here.

18Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 6:58 pm



I looked in the dictionary and No no no no no, this is not what I mean. Sorry Lily. I used “theatrical” to say you are gifted using words. I want to improve my English too.

19Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 7:55 pm



Lilly a écrit:Well, willy nilly, you're funny@Tom. But what word game it could have been.


Why this reminds me on the way JT introduced the song "Handy Man" during the 2006 U.S. summer tour, he went: "This is basically a song about a "Man-Whore" ...well...that's not what you had in mind Lilly, nooo sure not.

And please don't get me wrong here, i haven't said anything about your new President...that never would come to my mind to do...never....!


20Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 8:20 pm



*Innocent look*, noooo, sure not. He he he.

21Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Dim 27 Mai 2007, 9:06 pm




22Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Lun 28 Mai 2007, 7:55 am


Really sorry Lilly, it was only a stupid mistake. I wouldn't have used this word game because I have too much respect for prostitutes...

CC, wait some weeks and it'll surely come to your mind...

23Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Lun 28 Mai 2007, 10:22 am

broken angel

broken angel

Ah, I forget Oum Kalthoum. You can get high just by listening to her intros.

24Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Lun 28 Mai 2007, 4:50 pm



If I knew where good songs that can get me high come from, I would go there more often.....


25Women singers Empty Re: Women singers Lun 28 Mai 2007, 6:16 pm



Fanny, thanks for mentioning Amy Winhouse. I loved her "Rehab". The video is great, too. The musicians are cute and cool, hee hee.


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