Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

Ce forum s'est donné pour mission de mettre en contact les milliers de fans de cette légende de la musique encore trop peu connue du public francophone.

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Message To Doc Schneider

5 participants

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1Message To Doc Schneider Empty Message To Doc Schneider Mar 26 Déc 2006, 6:43 pm

Admin Samuel Légitimus

Admin Samuel Légitimus

Message To Doc Schneider Docsch10

Hello Doc,

Just one word to say: Waaaaaooooh!!!! everything in these two songs is in place: guitar works, vocals, words, saudade...

"Wherever You Are" was in you first CD. But this new version is a real gem.

I'm waiting your album on my mailbox as soon as possible!!

Thanks for these gifts and as french say i tell you "Merde" for the near future

Sam from Paris

Dernière édition par le Mer 03 Jan 2007, 4:42 am, édité 2 fois

2Message To Doc Schneider Empty Re: Message To Doc Schneider Mar 26 Déc 2006, 8:42 pm



Hi Doc,

I'm listening to 'Wherever you are' and 'Second chance'. It's the kind of songs we hear when we've just kissed our sweetheart goodbye.When we're still on cloud number nine.

The voice has the beginner's vulnerability and the guitare playing is plain and pleasant. The perfect choice after a long and weary day at work.

Unlike my friend Sam, I'll keep my interjections after listening to the rest of the album.

Good luck.


3Message To Doc Schneider Empty To Lilly Because She Listened Jeu 28 Déc 2006, 7:11 pm




Many thanks for your note -- and sorry to take so long to respond.

It will be a week or two before the album is available on line -- and so I will be glad to send you a promotional copy --

just email your address to dschneider@kslaw.com, and I will ship you one wherever the rainbow might be

Doc Schneider


4Message To Doc Schneider Empty Re: Message To Doc Schneider Ven 29 Déc 2006, 8:08 pm



Hi Doc

Outstanding !!!! great album you have done !
that's the kind of music that I love .
hopping to see you one of these days in Paris for a JT's gig !
why not in 2007 ,be sure you'll not alone


what are your musical roots (just to know) ?


5Message To Doc Schneider Empty Musical Roots Ven 29 Déc 2006, 8:22 pm




Many thanks for your nice comments, and I would be glad to send you an album if you will email me your address at dschneider@kslaw.com.

As for my musical roots, I was planted in the soil of the singer-songwriter movement of the 60s and 70s -- I was inalterably thunderstruck by James Taylor, Elton John, Cat Stevens, Don McLean, Carol King -- and my mother's music made an imprint on me too --from Frank Sinatra to Julie Andrews and Barbara Striesand. And the poets had an impact --TS Eliot, Robert Frost, John Keats, Shakespeare. You take all of that, mix with two parts desire, three parts absolute love, one part terminally positive, one part hoping to be beautiful -- and you get me, and likely you and all of our kindred souls here at the JT crossroads.

I wrote a little song about my musical roots --called These Were My Friends --which is on my first album and is as raw a confession as there can be. If you want that album, just let me know and I will send it.

I am a poor player. I am an okay singer. But I am a fervent lover of songs that just kill you, and I go looking for them every day.

I will join you all for sure in Paris one day. I will come years after Fitzgeral and Hemingway, but I will come for the same reason --for the joy of fellow human beings who stand spellbound by art.


Doc Schneider


6Message To Doc Schneider Empty Re: Message To Doc Schneider Sam 30 Déc 2006, 5:08 pm



What's up doc,

I Like your songs and .. sure wants to hear more. I let you my adress on your email



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