Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

Ce forum s'est donné pour mission de mettre en contact les milliers de fans de cette légende de la musique encore trop peu connue du public francophone.

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Merci CAJT

4 participants

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1Merci CAJT Empty Merci CAJT Mar 08 Avr 2008, 7:29 pm



Paris and JT are something special to Claus and myself. Once again our Paris JT family made our stay perfect by organizing an unforgettable afternoon before the show. I loved to be with all of you at the basement of the cafe, at the Olympia and after the show and I thought of you who couldn't attend this time.

Bises, hugs and a huge Thank You,
Rita who will learn to parle francais ....je promets

2Merci CAJT Empty Re: Merci CAJT Mer 09 Avr 2008, 9:54 pm



I was so glad to meet you and Claus at the Olympia . But it was too short; i couldn't come earlier and i had to leave quickly after the show.I'm so sorry for that.
So i hope to meet you again in Paris when you'll come back and spend hours together.
Take care.

3Merci CAJT Empty Re: Merci CAJT Mer 09 Avr 2008, 11:14 pm

Admin Samuel Légitimus

Admin Samuel Légitimus

jean-Pierre said it all.

Your presence was a real Gem for me but I'm so disappointed no to have had "a little more time with you "

The same with; Sabine, Tee, Cheyenne, Stephane, Doc Schneider etc...

But the most important thing was that we all were together in the same room, sharing some rare moment of proximity and music before, during and after the show.

Kiss kiss kiss

take care my friends


Dernière édition par Admin le Dim 13 Avr 2008, 4:20 pm, édité 2 fois

4Merci CAJT Empty Danke CC Dim 13 Avr 2008, 3:20 pm



Rita & CC,
'was the first time in such a "JT meeting" like this for me.

A real "thanks" to you and to Claus Guitar and songs. Wish you all the best....

Danke vielmals für deine Musik, Klaus. Ich hoffe nächste mal in Deutchland... Warum nicht?


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