Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
Les Amis francophones de James Taylor
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Les Amis francophones de James Taylor

Ce forum s'est donné pour mission de mettre en contact les milliers de fans de cette légende de la musique encore trop peu connue du public francophone.

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Adding it all up !!

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1Adding it all up !! Empty Adding it all up !! Sam 31 Mar 2007, 7:41 pm



“Adding it all up”

Loved reading the following, so, I wanted to share it with you friends. It’s all about how much we need in our lives. One thing. I hope you’re not numbers allergic or phobic. He, he.

“I have five TV sets, I have two DVR boxes, three DVD players, two VHS machines and four stereos.

I have nineteen remote controls, mostly in one drawer.

I have three computers, four printers and two faxes. I have three phone lines , three cell phones and two answering machines. No one calls and I have no messages.

I have forty-six cookbooks. I have sixty-eight take-out menus from four restaurants. I have one hundred and sixteen soy sauce packets. I have three hundred and eighty-two dishes, bowls, cups, saucers, mugs and glasses.

I eat over the sink !!

I have five sinks, two with a view. I try to keep a positive view!!

I have thirty-nine pairs of golf, tennis, squash, running, walking, hiking, casual and formal shoes, ice-skaters and roller-blades. I hate sports and I’m wearing slippers !!

I have five hundred and six CD, cassette, vinyl, and eight –track recordings. I listen to one radio station all day!!

I have twenty-six sets of linen for four regular, three fold-out and two inflatable bed. I don’t receive guests !!!

I have 101 Dalmatians on tape.

I have a laundry list of things that need cleaning.

I have a lot of time on my hands !!!!”

By Rick Moranis

2Adding it all up !! Empty Re: Adding it all up !! Dim 01 Avr 2007, 4:42 pm

broken angel

broken angel

This person remind me of...... ME!!!!!
Thanks for sharing Lilly. You are so sweet.


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